Laser Hair Removal
in Bluffton

Our Location

Unwanted Hair? No problem. Smoother Skin? Let’s Make It Happen.

Experience Advanced Laser Hair Removal with Cartessa MOTUS
Say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to smooth, radiant skin with our state-of-the-art Cartessa MOTUS laser hair removal system at The Bluffs Med Spa. This cutting-edge technology offers a superior solution for achieving long-lasting hair removal with unparalleled comfort and efficiency.

Why Choose Cartessa MOTUS for Laser Hair Removal?
The Cartessa MOTUS is an advanced laser hair removal device designed to provide a faster, more comfortable, and effective treatment experience. Here’s what sets MOTUS apart:

Innovative Technology: The Cartessa MOTUS utilizes the groundbreaking MOVEO™ technology, which ensures a more efficient and comfortable hair removal process. This technology delivers energy in a continuous motion, reducing the need for traditional static pulses and enhancing treatment comfort.

Pain-Free Experience: Thanks to its unique design, the MOTUS provides a virtually painless experience compared to conventional laser hair removal methods. The device’s advanced cooling system minimizes discomfort, allowing for a more enjoyable treatment session.

Versatile and Effective: Suitable for all skin types and hair colors, the MOTUS laser targets hair follicles with precision, providing effective results across a wide range of clients. Its versatility makes it an excellent choice for various areas of the body, from small zones like the upper lip to larger areas such as the back and legs.

Quick and Efficient: With the Cartessa MOTUS, treatments are faster and more efficient, allowing for shorter sessions and quicker results. This means less time in the treatment chair and more time enjoying your smooth skin.

How It Works
The Cartessa MOTUS uses laser energy to target and destroy hair follicles at their root, preventing future hair growth. The advanced MOVEO™ technology ensures that the energy is delivered consistently and comfortably, while the integrated cooling system keeps your skin protected throughout the procedure.”?

Experience Beauty & Comfort

We’ve proudly partnered with Cartessa MotusAZ technology to provide a variety of treatments, helping our guests reach their aesthetic goals.

Whether it’s body contouring with PHYSIQ 360 or skin enhancements with the TetraPro, our treatments are effective for all skin types and can address a wide range of skin concerns.

What to Expect Before & After Treatment

To increase the effectiveness of your treatment and avoid complications afterward, we advise avoiding direct sunlight for 2-4 weeks before and after your appointment. We also advise stopping any blood-thinning medications before your appointment to prevent complications during the procedure.

After the procedure, it’s normal for your skin to look and feel sunburned for 1 or 2 days. A cool compress and some moisturizer or aloe can help alleviate discomfort.

Ready to Upgrade Your Beauty Routine?

Ready for a laser treatment with long-lasting results? Schedule a consultation with us today!

Our Location


Come visit us in the cozy New Riverside neighborhood adjacent to Palmetto Bluff.

Our Address

  • 375 Hope Pond Way, Suite 104
  • Bluffton, SC 29910

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 8:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 8:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM

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