in Bluffton

Our Location

Make Self-Care Your New Normal with a Membership

Ready to treat yourself to some regular self-care? A membership to The Bluffs can help you do just that! Our memberships offer exclusive benefits and curated packages that bundle popular services to fit your unique needs. 

Whether you’re craving a monthly facial, yearning for rejuvenating massages, or seeking consistent hormone replacement therapy, we’ve got just the thing to help keep you glowing and feeling absolutely fabulous.

Explore our packages, become a member today, or book a complimentary consultation to start your journey to bliss.

Our Packages

Coming soon!

Our Location


Come visit us in the cozy New Riverside neighborhood adjacent to Palmetto Bluff.

Our Address

  • 375 Hope Pond Way, Suite 104
  • Bluffton, SC 29910

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 8:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM

Become a Member

Invest in yourself. Become a part of our community for exclusive updates and members-only perks. Welcome to The Bluffs, where we celebrate your glow.

Explore Our Packages

Find your perfect fit. Our packages are designed for your desires, whether you’re here for relaxing bliss, skin rejuvenation, or wellness restoration.

Discover Our Events

Celebrate self-care with us. Join us for unique experiences and unforgettable events. Don’t miss out—it’s time to enjoy your moment with The Bluffs.


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